Website Care Plans

Your website needs love, care & attention to work optimally.
Allowing us to take care of your website leaves you time to do what you do best – manage your business.

Website Care

Our Care Plans

Our service empowers business owners; allowing them to manage & improve their website without having to worry about the complicated issues.

All our care plans include the following:

  • Basic Care Plan

    Our basic care plan includes all of the features above - We look after all the technical boring stuff for you!

    £40per month
  • Business Care Plan

    Our basic care plan includes all of the features above - We look after all the technical boring stuff for you but you also get 2 hours of content changes per month, such as adding blog posts, updating text or images.

    £99per month
  • Unlimited Business Care plan

    Our basic care plan includes all of the features above - We look after all the technical boring stuff for you but you also get unlimited small* content changes each month, this can include updating content such as text or images, new pages (providing the content is ready), adding blog posts or creating a landing page.

    * Unlimited small content changes are limited to 30 minutes per task.
    Any task greater than 30 minutes will be quoted separately.
    (This option does not include a complete re-design of your site)

    £199per month
  • Pay as you go

    If you don't want to pay monthly for website care & maintenance, then you are of course, free to manage everything yourself. You will however be 100% responsible for all updates, content changes, optimisations, back ups, security & licence fees. We can still assist with changes or updates - these will be chargeable at our current hourly rate of £50 per hour.

    We will not be held responsible if anything goes awry with your site after handover and all fixes will be chargeable at our current full hourly rate.

    £50per hour